Sarbanam Shikshyalaya
Gokarneshwor-06 ,Jorpati, Kathmandu
Second Terminal Examination-2081
Grade: 6 FM:25
Subject: Computer PM:10
Time: 1hrs 15min
Sarbanam Shikshyalaya
Gokarneshwor-06 ,Jorpati, Kathmandu
Second Terminal Examination-2081
Grade: 6 FM:25
Subject :Creative PM:10
Time: 1hrs 15min
1. Write a speech on the topic of "Importance of English
Language." (5)
2. ……xfd|f] rf8kj{ ÚÚ zLif{sdf Ps jt[Tj tof/ kf/ . -%_
3. Draw a pictures of Traffic Light and colour it . (5)
4. Creating Object (Paper Calendar). (10)
Sarbanam Shikshyalaya
Gokarneshwor-06 ,Jorpati, Kathmandu
Secord Terminal Examination-2081
Grade: 6 FM:50
Subject: English PM:20
Time: 2hrs 30 min
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1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. (9)
Adventure sports like hang gliding and skydiving are more and more popular. People pay a lot of money to take part in these sports, jumping off cliffs and out of planes with only wings and parachutes made of thin material to stop them crashing on the ground. Strangest of all are the bungee jumpers. They jump off towers and high bridges with only a long piece of elastic rope tied to their feet to stop their fall.
Why do people pay a lot of money to such sports? Well, people have always dreamed of flying like birds. Perhaps these sports are a way of making that dream come true. Maybe modern life has become too boring for some people, and they are just looking for some excitement in their lives. And people who do these sports certainly enjoy telling their friends about how brave they have been. But although these sports may look dangerous, in fact, there are far more accidents on the road than accidents involving adventure sports.
A) Based on your understanding answer the following questions. [1x4=4] a) What are the three adventure sports mentioned in the text?
b) What have people always dreamed of?
c) Who are the strangest of all adventure sportsperson?
d) Why do people pay much money to take part in adventure sports ?
B) Fill in the blanks. [0.5x5=2.5]
a) People pay a lot of money to take part in ____ sports.
b) People have always dreamed of ____ like birds.
c) Modern life has become too ____ for some people, and they are just looking for some ____ in their lives.
d) They are far more ____ on the road than accidents involving adventure ____.
e) ____ are the strangest of all adventure ____.
C) Match the words on the left with the correct meaning on the right. [0.5x5=2.5] a. Popular a high area of rock with a very steep side
b. Cliff a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness
c. Elastic a person who buys goods or services
d. Customer liked or enjoyed by a large number of people
e. Excitement able to return to its original shape after being pulled
(2)Write the meaning of the following words. [0.5x5=2.5]
Depreciate, mammoth, shrine, wraped, gradually
(3) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. [0.5x5=2.5]
(4) Fill in the gaps with article a or an. [0.5x5=2.5]
a. __astronaut. b. __ leopard. c. __ owl.
d.__ honest man e. __ UN Official.
(5) Answer the following questions. [2x4=8]
(6) Translate the following sentences in English. [1x4=4]
(7) Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjuctions. [1x4=4]
(8) Define definite article and an indefinite article. Give one
example of each. [3]
(9) Write an application to the Principal for seeking permission to
participate in extracurricular activities or competitions in
school. [5]
(10) Complete the dialogue. Use the given clues. [4]
-The ending was a surprise.
-Did you expect that twist?
-It caught me off guard.
-But their decisions were frustrating at times.
Ram :– Did you finish the book that I lent you?
Naresh :-I did! __________.
Ram :- I know, right? _________.
Naresh :- Not at all. ___________.
Ram :- What do you think of the main character?
Naresh :- I liked them, ____________.
11) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below. (5.5)
This is Radio Kathmandu and I’m Anita Pandey with the report. We couldn’t ask for a better day for the first day of spring. Right now it’s fifteen degrees and clear. We’re expecting blue skies throughout the day. Though there is only a ten percent chance of showers, this good weather can’t last forever. It’s raining cats and dogs in the eastern part of the country, so we should see rain by morning in Kathmandu as well. Don’t forget your umbrella tomorrow. Now, stay tuned for local news.
A) Tick the correct answer. [0.5x3=1.5]
a. Tomorrow, it will probably ____?
(i) rain (ii) stay sunny (iii) snow (iv) be clear
b. What does the weather report suggest using?
(i) a raincoat.
(ii) sunglasses
(iii) an umbrella
(iv) the radio
c. What is the temperature?
(i) twelve degrees
(ii) minus ten
(iii) fifteen degrees
(iv)plus twenty
B) Answer the following questions. [1x4=4]
;j{gfd lzIffno
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3_ :j/ ;d|f6 eg]/ s;nfO{ elgG5 <
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u_ :kz{ zfx s:tf] cj:yfdf hGd]sf lyP <
3_ s:tf] dfG5] cfˆgf] sfddf ;kmn x'G5 <
ª_ k|f0ffofd eGgfn] s] a'lemG5 <
#_ vfnL 7fpF e/ . -%_
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v_ emds s'df/Ln] ============= n]v]/ ;kmn ;flxTosf/ algg .
u_ dlxnf =========== nflu dlxnf ;d"xx?sf] ljz]if e"ldsf /x]sf] x'G5 .
3_ g/fd|f s'/fx? ;'wfg{ dflg;nfO{ ============== lbg'k5{ .
ª_ h]D;jf6n] afkmaf6 rNg] ============= OlGhgsf] cfljisf/ u/] .
$_ hf]8f ldnfpm . -%_
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%_ l7s jf a]l7s n]v . -%_
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v_ rfd'08f dlGb/ uf]s0f]{Zj/ gu/kflnsf j8f g+= & df k5{ .
u_ of]u / rl/q Ps csf{sf kl/k"/s x'g .
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ª_ of]u cEof; lqmofsnfkn] kfrg zlQm 36fpF5 .
^_ l7s pQ/ 5fg]/ n]v . -%_
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s_ d]/f] b]z
v_ j[If/f]k0f
u_ lstfasf] dxTj
Sarbanam Shikshyalaya
Gokarnewhwor – 6, Kathmandu
Second Terminal Examination 2081
Class - 6 Sarbanam Shikshyalaya