Grade |
Percentage |
Remarks |
Description |
A |
(80-100) |
Excellent |
Grade A represents excellent progress and outstanding achievement. A student in this category appears to be functioning to full potential through acceptance of academic responsibility, has the ability to grasp and apply concepts, and to work independently. He/She possesses a positive and constructive attitude.
B |
(65 – 79.99) |
Very good |
Grade B implies above-average progress and achievement. A student in this category demonstrates a keen interesting all subjects and grasps the subject matter with minimum assistance. He/She has a cooperative attitude and is helpful towards others.
C |
(55 – 64.99) |
Average |
Grade C implies satisfactory or average progress and achievement. A student in this category does the assigned work in time. He/She does not generally take an initiative to work on his/her own. This grade obtained when a student shows an average level of interest in the subject matter, rarely participates in class discussions and does not put much effort in his/her work.
D |
(40 – 54.99) |
Pass (satisfactory) |
Grade D shows below-average progress and achievement. A student in this category habitually submits incomplete and shoddy work. He/She does not submit work on time. He/She has poor study habits and is either too aggressive or extremely passive. He/She requires frequent prodding by the teacher.
F |
Below 40 |
Unsatisfactory |
Grade F indicates unsatisfactory work and a lack of progress. A student who falls in this category is much below the level of the class. He/She is a prospective failure unless he/she puts in a lot of hard work.