Fees Rules:
• Annual charges are paid only once a year. Every student is charged an Annual Fee at the beginning of
an academic session in lieu of the services the school provides for the entire year. This fee is charged
every year to meet the expenses for the services, maintenance and repairing for a period of one whole
• Admission Fee is paid at the time of Admission only. It is charged only once during a student's
association with the school. This fee is charged to a new student at the time of admission and is non-
• All fees are charged for the full session.
• Residency fees is charged every month. This is charged for twelve months. All fees are payable in
• Fees are to be paid in advance by the 6th of each month. Late fee is charged if fees are not paid in
time and discount facility is available.
• No reduction is made in any kind of fees for a short or extended absence.
• Any student wishing to join or withdraw in the middle of a session will have to pay the charges for the
whole year.
• There shall be no refund of any fees at any circumstances.
• Parents wishing to withdraw their wards from the school bus facility during the year will have to pay
the fees for the same for the whole year.
• Parents wishing to withdraw their wards from the school hostel in the middle of the session will have
to pay the boarding and lodging fees for the whole session.
• There shall be no refund of any fees (Not even when a student is suspended or expelled from the
• In case a student is asked to leave in the middle of a session due to misconduct or any other reason,
he/she will have to pay the charges for the full session.
• Excursion/ picnic charges to the mentioned level/class are compulsory maxmum for 3 times in a year
inside the valley. Excursions outside Kathmandu Valley are optional and charges will be included at
the same time.
• The school provides bus facility to the students on request.
• Buses ply on definite routes. No alteration is made in the existing bus routes.
• Parents are requested to retain the Fee card and the receipt issued to them. They might be required
to them as a proof of payment in case the need arises.
• The Examination Fee includes, only the school examination fee.
• The materials required for projects, exhibitions and fairs are to be brought by the students.
• Students are charged for report card, fee card, calendar, I. D. card, diary & prospectus etc.
• The other changes on the policy will be as required alongwith the time.
General Rules For Conduct & Discipline
Children’s Liberty E.B. School reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action for activities considered detrimental to the welfare of the school. The following are considered to be major breaches of school rules:
• Repeated violation of school rules.
• Vandalism or theft of school or personal property.
• Endangering the safety of others.
• Fighting, bullying, harassing or threatening a fellow student.
• Disregard for school or personal property. (Students have to pay a heavy fine if they cause damage
to school property.)
• Smoking.
• Cheating, lying, or other forms of unethical or immoral acts.
• Leaving the school compound without permission.
• Habitual late coming.
• Absence from school without any information.
• Causing a disruption or disturbance to the school environment.
• Discourteous or disrespectful behavior.
• Obscenity of any kind.
• Physical assault of any kind.
• Use of abusive or rude language.
• Dishonesty of any kind.
• Disobedience and disrespect towards teachers.
Bus Rules
Students should strictly adhere to the following rules:
• Talking loudly and making noise on the bus is prohibited.
• Leaning out and putting one's hand out of the window is not allowed.
• Eating is not allowed on the bus.
• When leaving or approaching the bus, students ought to look in both directions.
• They should be careful while boarding or alighting from the bus.
• Follow the direction of the teachers, bus monitors and drivers.
• Throwing objects out of the window is not allowed.
• All other general school rules apply.
Misbehavior on the bus may lead to suspension of transportation privileges.
The school provides transport facilities only to those who opt for it. It is not mandatory to avail the bus services. The school tries its level best to cater to the needs of the children. However, it is unable to fulfill its commitments in circumstances beyond its control. In case of unforeseen circumstances like public demonstrations and severe traffic dislocation, parents should come to the school to collect their wards. They are requested to bear with the delays caused by break-downs or other mechanical problems.
The school will remain closed on days when there is a total Bandh and there is no transport on the roads. The school will remain open on days when there is a partial transport strike affecting public bus and minibus service only. On such days, parents/guardians are expected to make their own arrangement to bring their children to school and take them back after the classes are over.
Academic Ethics
If a school is to be a learning community that functions effectively, it must place its highest values on personal integrity and mutual trust. Without these, no real learning can take place. While we highly value patience and tolerance, we must become intolerant of those, who cannot be trusted and who do not value truth, for they can quickly destroy the spirit of the community and learning. It is because of this we take severe action in cases of dishonesty of any kind, but particularly in cases in which dishonesty invades the classroom. Cases of this kind are dealt with by the teacher and brought to the attention of the Principal.
Code of Conduct
Cheating can be defined as an act intended to deceive. It is not only dishonest and morally wrong but also gives a false impression of a student's progress and makes assessment of a student's work impossible. For these reasons, cheating of any kind is not being tolerated. The school believes that integrity is more important than academic excellence. It reserves the right to penalise students who use unfair means.
Students found cheating in exams, tests, homework are given the lowest grade. They are immediately sent to the principal and their parents are informed about this serious breach of academic integrity. A student may either be suspended or expelled from school if he/she is found using unfair means.
Expectation From Students
It is understood that when a student enrolls in our school, he/she and his/her parents agree to conform to its procedures and comply with its rules. Students are expected to:
• Be responsible for their own behavior by being regular and punctual in attendance;
• Maintain habits of personal cleanliness;
• Show respect towards adults;
• Display desirable attitudes and moral standards;
• Make a sincere effort to learn;
• Value the opinions of others;
• Accept the duties of membership in a democratic group;
• Contribute positively to the creation and maintenance of a climate that is conducive to learning;
• Respect the rights of other students in the classroom;
• Participate in school activities and maintain the decorum of the class;
• Take care of school and personal property;
• Cooperate with pupils who have been delegated responsibilities.
• Attend school regularly, be obedient to adults and courteous in behavior. They should be
neatly dressed and should follow the rules and regulations of the school;
• Speak in English in the school premises;
• Wear proper school uniform. They should not wear jewellery or make up in school;
• Complete their assignments, participate in classroom activities and perform to the best of their ability;
• Will not possess the things of entertainment;
Students are expected to complete assignments, participate in classroom activities, and perform to their ability on a consistent basis.
Expectation From Parents
• Parents should ensure that their wards follow all school rules and regulations.
• They should make sure that their ward does the homework regularly. The school diary should be
checked and signed every day.
• They should see to it that their wards read story books, newspapers, and learn their lessons.
• Parents are strictly forbidden to enter any classroom or meet any teacher during school hours without
the permission from the school office. Parents are advised to meet the class teacher and subject
teachers only on the days report cards are distributed.
• They should meet the representative of the administration whenever there is a problem of any kind.
• They should come personally to collect their ward's Progress Report on the Report Card Distribution
• They should respond promptly to complaint letters issued by the school authorities.
• They should pay all dues on time.
• They should ensure that all text books and exercise books are covered in good condition and brought
to school according to the time table.
• If parents want their wards to participate in school functions, they should cooperate with the school
authorities; and make arrangements to reach their wards to school and pick them up. As more time is
required for practice, delays if any should be borne with patience. It is also the moral duty of parents to
see that their wards do not drop out at the last minute.
• Suggestions and voluntary services are always appreciated from the parents.
• Parents/Guardians must supervise their child's studies at home.
This should be done every day in order to avoid the pressure of revision immediately before the exams. It is practically impossible to revise all the lessons in class before every round examination due to time constraints and the volume of the syllabus.
Important Rules
• Parents are not permitted to enter into correspondence with other members of the staff.
• The Principal can, in the interest of the school, without assigning any reason can ask a parent to remove a boy/girl, at or previous to the end of the current term, should the boy's/girl's conduct, behavior or influence, in the school's opinion, be in any way detrimental to the principles of the school or should he/she seem unable or unwilling to profit by the educational advantages the school offers.
• The school is at liberty to alter, add to or repeal any regulation in the prospectus/diary. However, the school shall inform parents/guardians of such changes.
• The school takes every precaution to ensure the safety of the children. However, the school will not be liable for any damages/ charges/ costs on account of accidents in school, or while on excursions or other activities.
• Parents who have any complaints, suggestions or recommendations to make are free to meet the Principal and discuss their complaints or suggestions.
• Interviews with the Principal should be arranged by letter, as it is frequently impossible for the Principal to interview parents who have not previously made any appointment to see her.
• The school reserves the right to suspend students whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
• Parents and guardians of all students should contact the teachers on report card distribution days to note the progress of their wards.
• Students should get their Report Cards signed by their Parents/Guardians within two days of receipt of the Report Cards.
• The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all the belongings of the students. Water bottles, blazers and jerseys should also bear the names of the student.
• A child who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
• Late comers, uniform defaulters and children who do not do their homework regularly will be sent home.
• A student who uses unfair means during tests will be given zero in the subject and a warning letter. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
• Students will be fined if they lose or mutilate any book taken from library. In such cases the fine will be determined by the librarian and charged on the bill.
• Students may be expelled from school if they are found to be involved in unacceptable activities inside the school premises such as, smoking, possessing drugs or weapons, misbehaving with teachers, using unfair means in the exams, skipping classes etc.
• Parents must ensure that their children are given substantial tiffin before they come to school.
• Students are strongly discouraged to miss classes immediately before or after long vacations e.g. Dashain/ Tihar vacation and Winter vacation.
• This prospectus/policies must be read carefully before completing the admission procedure. Submission of the duly filled admission form indicates a parent's/ guardian's acceptance of school rules and policies. It shows a parent's/guardian's willingness to abide by the rules and regulations of the school.
The Principal reserves the right to refuse admission and suspend or expel any student without assigning any reason